Why Partners Cheat by 12thofnever in Relationships, February 27, 2010 Some tips to avoid partners to cheat on you.
Infidelity is one of the biggest problem that married couple are experiencing. It is the fastest way to destroy a family. Now, why do they cheat? Is it possible to avoid disloyalty in a relationship? These are just some of the questions that pop out in our mind almost always. Before we can prevent this to happen we have to know the reasons why cheating happens. Having an affair with someone is a result of an unhealthy relationship. It does not happen instantly and without reasons.A partner is never satisfied when something seems to be lacking in the relationship.Some factors that contribute to this kind of problem are inadequacy of intimacy, lack of respect and communication. Read more in Relationships « Easy Payday LoansHow a Guy Should Treat a Girl » Now we would ask how we could possibly prevent infidelity to happen. Let us start with communication. Talking to your partner is very important. If there are issues that you argue, talk about it in a well bred manner. It is difficult oftentimes to talk in a relax phase when all your hormones went berserk because of anger.But staying calm will make a difference. You will never understand if you shout on each other. It will only add insult to injury, so sit back relax and talk to each other heart to heart. Listen to each others side. Always remember to resolve the differences to stop the arguments.
Second, don’t take your partners for granted a simple kiss in the morning everyday a little appreciation on the little effort done will help the relationship grow stronger. Your partner is human, needs to be appreciated, loved, and cared for just like you. Always think of the golden rule, do to your partner what you want your partner will do unto you. Have you ever felt some gut feeling? Yes your instinct is 99.9% right so listen to it. If you feel that your relationship is going haywire try to find ways to resolve the problems. If you need to talk to your partner then do it. Before you sleep think of the whole day’s activity, think about what you have done to your partner! Have you been good or have you been not so good? Checking it on a daily basis will make your love life healthy – making sure no problems are piling up.
Go out in a date. Spending quality time with your partner is very important. Sometimes partners tend to be very busy and forget to spend time with each other. It doesn’t mean that when you are married you don’t go out anymore, it is very important to keep the love alive. Avoid blaming, humiliating; hurting your partners feeling’s emotionally or physically when you are very mad. Learn to know what you are really fighting about and resolve the issue. Never humiliate your partner in front of her/his friends or with anybody. Never hurt him/her physically. Never bark like a dog. If you are the wife always remember what the bible said. “It is better to live in a house full of lions than a nagging wife.” (This does not only apply to wives.) Your house is your sanctuary it should be peaceful. Always make your partner your best friend; think that you can’t live this world without him or her. Our partner is never our enemy they are there to help us whenever were in trouble, we should love them like there’s no tomorrow.